Zaphir Chime -Twilight


Each Zaphir chime is precisely handmade and hand-tuned to play a melody made up of 8 notes. Inside the chime are 8 metal cords of different lengths, welded with silver into a metal ring. The cords are carefully tuned to refine the interaction of tones and overtones into a continuous flow of harmonies.

With their relaxing and harmonizing sound, Zaphir Chimes are a wonderful tool for relaxation, yoga, meditation, Feng Shui, or as a musical instrument.

Hang this up next to a doorway or open window; a slight breeze may surprise you with unexpected melodies…

Twilight Sound Sample


*The patterns may not exactly match the photos.

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SKU: ZAP-TWI Category:

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Specifications: Total Chime Length: 40cm Chime Length: 12.5cm Chime Diameter: 6.5cm Colour: Violet Blue The 5 tunings are named in relation to the 5 seasons, and elements (Feng Shui): Crystalide (Spring) G A B D A G B D Sunray (Summer) G# B C# E G# E A C# Twilight (Autumn) E G B C E G B C Sufi (intermediary season) F A D F A G A D Blue Moon (Winter) D F A B C E A# C