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Soft Cotton Kaftan Arrived!

Long KaftanWe proudly introduce our very first original products. Very comfortable and  soft touch Long Kaftans (top photo), Medium Kaftans and Kids’ Kaftans. Beautifully hand printed on quality Indian soft cotton. Four choices of colours/patterns for the Long Kaftan, two for the Medium Kaftan and three for the Kids’ Kaftan. Experience the touch of quality soft cotton. Only from Happy Medium. Wow! 🙂 Medium Kaftan Medium Kaftan
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Peace Love & Misunderstanding

Jane Fonda looked very nice wearing a wrap skirt in the film “Peace Love & Misunderstanding”. She played hippie grandmother and she wore every 70’s fashion stylishly in this film. A very funny and touching story.  Highly recommended 🙂 New wrap skirts have just arrived in our shop. New colours, patterns and best quality ever. Very comfortable and fits most sizes. You can wear them through the year. Wrap skirts Come and get one to be a star of your town. Peace 🙂
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Year of the Horse

2014 is the year of the horse(午), according to the Chinese calendar. People who were born in the year of the horse are friendly, cheerful, talkative and social; but they are also powerful, competitive and challenging people who love to live a life of luxury. Horses like to travel, so they are most suited to careers such as – adventurers, poets, travel writers and politicians. Horses are most compatible with people born in the year of the – Tiger(虎), Goat(羊) and Dog(狗). The years of the horse are: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 and 2014. Do you know anyone born in those years? Horse Wooden Blocks from $5 – Only available from Happy Medium 😉