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Handwoven Naturally Dyed Scarves

A variety of warm scarves are waiting for somebody who likes natural touch and soft colours. These are all handwoven with 100% handspun wool. The dyes used to make these beautiful colours are all natural. They are Cochineal, Logwood, Goldenrod, Plum, Whitebirch, Pomegranate, Euonymus, Peach, Rose, Acorn, and Japanese Indigo. Natural materials are keeping you warm in this cold winter!
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Handmade paper notebooks

Our pretty order-made notebooks have arrived! They are 100% recycled products. The fabric on the covers are excess fabric from woodblock printing. The paper inside is made from recycled rag cotton with dried Indian flower petals for accent ?. Write down your winter schedule in your special notebook!
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Solid Perfumes

Have you tried solid perfume before? If not, you should give it a try! Our solid perfumes are made from natural flower essence, herbs and bee wax. The long lasting natural smell makes you feel great! Come in to try the fourteen different fragrances and pick your favourite ?